California Quarterly

The California Quarterly, published four times a year, only accepts unpublished poetry.  Foreign language poems need an English translation. 

One page poems work best, two page maximum, no theme or style restrictions.  Submit 1 to 6 poems in a single .doc or ,docx file labeled with Poet Last Name, Poet First Name, Number of poems and Date submitted. If your file title of the submission does not include your last name, month and year of submission, the file will not be reviewed. 

Each poetry page in the file should start with a header containing the following poet information: Name (last name first), Mail Address, e-mail, Telephone, Date submitted.  Poem Title should appear on each page of poem.

Notification in 3-5 months. Payment is one copy of the CQ and all rights remain with the poet.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.